wtorek, 21 kwietnia 2009


Stala samotnie na granicy.
Przed nia pustka, za nia ciemnosc, a nad jej glowa ksiezyc w pelni, schowany za chmura. Ona wpatrzona w niego, zatopiona w marzeniach, spowita mgla. W myslach prosila ksiezyc by zeslal jej milosc.
I wtedy poczula czyjs oddech na szyji. Strach ja sparalizowal, chlodny powiew otoczyl, a cialo przeszedl dreszcz. Postac stojaca za nia polozyla dlon na jej twarzy i delikatnym acz stanowcym ruchem odchylila jej glowe i odgarnela wlosy. Czula jego oddech coraz blizej i blizej. Ona stracila kontrole nad wlasnym cialem i poddala sie calkowicie woli nieznajomego. Ten powoli przyblizal usta do jej szyji. Wczesniej sparalizowana strachem, teraz czula, ze sie rozplywa. Cos w tym nieznajomym wzbudzalo ufnosc. W jego obecnosci ogarnialo ja poczucie bezpieczenstwa i spokoju. Zanim jeszcze dotknal jej skory, rozpalil jej dusze przyjemnoscia.
Czyzby ksiezyc wysluchal jej prosb?
Czy to tak wygladac miala milosc?
Po chwili stracila przytomnosc blednac niesamowicie. Nieznajomy oddalil sie w strone drzew, a za nim powiewala cicho furkoczaca peleryna.
Zniknal zanim jej martwe cialo zdazylo osunac sie na ziemie.


She stood alone at the border.
In front of her there was an emptiness, behind her darkness, and over her head the full moon, hidden behind a cloud. She stared at it, lost in dreams, wrapped in fog. In her thoughts she was asking the moon to sends her love.
And then she felt someone's breath on her neck. She got paralyzed with fear, cool breeze surrounded her, and her body shivered. A person standing behind her put his hand on her face and with delicate yet firm move tilted her head and pulled her hair back. She could feel his breath getting closer and closer. She lost control over her own body and she completely surrendered to the will of a stranger. He slowly approached his lips to her neck. Previously, paralyzed with fear, now she felt that she was melting. Something in that stranger aroused confidence. In his presence she was overwhelmed by a sense of security and peace. Before he even touched her skin, her soul burned from pleasure.
Had the moon listened to her request?
Is this how the love should look like?
After short while she lost her consciousness and faded. The man walked away toward the trees, followed by the softly whirring fluttering cape.
He disappeared before her dead body subsided to the ground.

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