nature, navigation, responsibility, choices, love, hate, emotions, crawling, ice, movement, traffic, speed of life, unimportance, imagination, death, the end, beginning, illusion, conclusion, words, pleasure, pain, time, healing, smoke, fire, heart, witch, beach, darkness, sunlight, see, perspective, horizon, adventure, stars, flow, genes, glory, happiness, hero, memories, wind, trees, green, freedom, travel, advantage, concern, concert, music, careless, time pass, addiction, decisions, mistakes, human, people, person, me, you, her, him, us, you, them, names, homes, objects, actions, projects, informations, influences, comments, likes, unlikes, statistics, streets, springs, years, months, days, hours, minutes, seconds, letters, alphabets, sounds, meanings, luck, lack, emptiness, loss, confusion, help, smile, hand, heat, fireplace, guitars, laughter, friendship, family, group, philosophy, realism, materialism, egoism, album, explanations, understanding, psychology, brain, nerves, hormones, enzymes, tissues, elements, order, life...
1 dzień temu
Dopiero zacząłem czytać tego bloga, więc nie mogę się wypowiadać o całości, jednak muszę stwierdzić że jak na razie jest bardzo... intrygujący. Idealny by odpocząć przez chwilę od hałasów dnia codziennego. ;)
OdpowiedzUsuńdead, hell, haven, angel, child, mother, fight, boys, jealousy, disappointment..
OdpowiedzUsuństanowczo brakowało 'dópy' ;)